This course is inspired by the Data Analysis and Visualization Course at the University of Konstanz, Germany. We are grateful for their support and borrowed parts of the ANAVIS course material taught by Professor Daniel Keim and Dr. Johannes Fuchs at the Konstanz University, Germany.
We have heavily drawn on materials and examples found online and tried our best to give credit by linking to the original source. Please contact us if you find materials where the credit is missing or that you would rather have removed.
Futhermore, some of the material in this course is based on the classes taught by Alexander Lex at the University of Utah, Carlos Scheidegger at the University of Arizona, Marc Streit at JKU Linz, Pat Hanrahan at Stanford, Jeff Heer at the University of Washington, Hans-Joerg Schulz at the University of Rostock, Nils Gehlenborg at Harvard Medical School, Torsten Möller at the University of Vienna, Tamara Munzener at the Univeristy of British Columbia, Helwig Hauser at the University of Bergen, Maneesh Agrawala at UC Berkeley, and Hendrik Strobelt at IBM Research.